A Community Music Player

Come Mix

Our DJs play to our entire ecosystem

Get Heard

Our producers showcase new songs globally 

Vibe With

Our fans get the best music first

Music matters

Jump on the bandwagon where every song is heard by a passionate audience instead of the algorithms, where everyone gets to play and interact with the entire ecosystem, where you belong to a community bound only by its musical genre, where bias does not exist, but a good song rules!

Who Changed the Rules?!

The People

Dive into the heart of dynamic ecosystems to take charge with Cuebeat's ability to fully control, organize, and share music without the usual restrictions of traditional algorithm based streaming platforms.

The Times

Cuebeat relies on the collective's wisdom of those with similar tastes to recommend the best music submitted directly by the artists. While every song gets heard, only the best ones get played.

The Music

Our new amazing platform provides every creator with a seamless content monetization options, offering up to 99% revenue share to help artists and DJs achieve financial sustainability.

Click Your Ecosystem

     Do Your Thing

    Enjoy the variety of stations tuned and fine              tuned by genre and sub-genre with a swipe.           Choose local or global scene to join.

      Engage with your ecosystem while you play            them your favorite tracks from your own                   portable live radio station or your mixer.

Organize your entire library including your               favorite songs, artists and unlimited playlists           with ease and set presets.